Universities & Institutes
Center for Research in Ethnic Relations at the University of Warwick
This research center is at the forefront of work on race and ethnic relations in Europe and continues to develop and participate in a range of European networks and partnerships. The Center aims to increase knowledge, promote better understanding, and influence the work of other agencies and bodies with an interest in racism, migration and ethnic relations, through programmes of research, teaching, training, conferences, seminars, publications and a range of other dissemination activities. Website has a number of podcasts on contemporary migration related issues available for downloading.
Focus Migration
Provides country profiles, policy briefs and the “”Migration und Bevölkerung newsletter (in German only). Published by the federal Agency for Civic Education, Netswerk Migration in Europe, and Migration Research Group (HWWI)
Migration, Globalisation, Poverty
Development Research Center on Migration, Globalisation and Poverty
IMER/UiB, International Migration and Ethnic Relations at the University of Bergen
IMER/UiB, International Migration and Ethnic Relations at the University of Bergen is a multidisciplinary research unit at the University of Bergen. The aim of IMER/UiB is to contribute to research-based knowledge about international migration, not least related to European countries, including the consequences of immigration and emigration for societies.
GESIS is an institution devoted to research and service, which, by providing information, consultation, and data, supports and facilitates scientific work at every stage of the research process. Based upon extensive research programs GESIS provides services in data (archiving, provision, processing, research, social monitoring), methodology (consultation, developing complex methods), and specialized information (databases containing information on social science literature and research activities).
International Migration, Integration & Social Cohesion
A multi-disciplinary research programme comprised of more than 500 researchers from 23 established European research institutes, working collaboratively to: Create a joint research programme on migration, integration and social cohesion, Organise training in these fields, Disseminate research results to the public at large and specifically to policy makers.
Central European Forum for Migration and Population Research
CEFMR specializes in multidisciplinary research on international migration in Central Europe. It conducts research in demography, population statistics, modeling of migration and population, geography, migration policies, sociology and economics.
The Migration Policy Institute
The MPI is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit think tank in Washington, DC dedicated to analysis of the movement of people worldwide. MPI provides analysis, development, and evaluation of migration and refugee policies at the local, national, and international levels. It aims to meet the rising demand for pragmatic and thoughtful responses to the challenges and opportunities that large-scale migration, whether voluntary or forced, presents to communities and institutions in an increasingly integrated world.
European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations
The European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations (ERCOMER) exists to actively encourage, support and promote comparative research in the fields of international migration and ethnic relations within the European context. The centre is situated within the Faculty of Social Sciences, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. The website includes information on research projects being conducted, publications of the Centre, and a virtual library containing links to online data archives, journals and newsletters, and much more.
Migrationwatch UK
Migrationwatch UK is an independent think tank. It is chaired by Sir Andrew Green, a former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, with a distinguished Advisory Council from diverse ethnic and professional backgrounds.
The Migration Policy Group
The Migration Policy Group is an independent non-profit European organisation committed to contributing to lasting and positive change resulting in open and inclusive societies in which all members have equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities in developing the economic, social and civic life of Europe’s diverse societies. The website includes links to proposals for European legislation against discrimination on the basis of race and ethnicity forged with the support of the European Parliament and the European Commission. The Website also includes links to MPG/EU programmes, journals and other publications, and The Migration News Sheet. The news sheet is a European monthly covering all major European developments in the fields of immigration and asylum policies, asylum-seekers, controlled migration, irregular and illegal immigration, racism and xenophobia, and issues arising out of the process of integrating ethnic minorities.
The European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) conducts practice-oriented research, provides information and documentation, and offers advisory services concerning minority-majority relations in Europe. The website includes publication information, links, and an enriched links database which is searchable in 13 subject categories.
University of Oxford- COMPAS
University of Oxford- COMPAS
University of Oxford- COMPAS based, center for the study of migration. the mission of COMPAS is to conduct high quality research in order to develop theory and knowledge, inform policy-making and public debate, and engage users of research within the field of migration.
The European Citizens’ Consultations 2009
The European Citizens’ Consultations are run by a unique consortium of more than 40 independent European partner organisations, led by the Belgian King Baudouin Foundation. These include foundations, NGOs, universities and think-tanks from all 27 European Union Member States, who will organize the European Citizens’ Consultations in each Member State.
The Migration Policy Institute
The Migration Policy Institute is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit think tank in Washington, DC dedicated to analysis of the movement of people worldwide.
Odysseys Network
Academic Network for legal studies on immigration and asylum in Europe. The Odysseus Network collaborates with other networks. Its main collaborator is the “European Migration Information Network” (E.M.I.N.) which is also financed by the Odysseus programme of the European Commission. This network is specialised in statistical information, particularly in the area of refugees and asylum issues. Website contains links to research affiliated research centers.
Academic Journals
Forced Migration Review
Forced Migration Review (FMR) is published by the Refugee Studies Centre in the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. It is available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic, and free of charge in print and online. Through FMR, authors from around the world analyse the causes and impacts of displacement; debate policies and programmes; share research findings; reflect the lived experience of displacement; and present examples of good practice and recommendations for policy and action.
IZA Journal of Migration
The IZA Journal of Migration covers all issues related to the economics of migration and ethnicity in developed or developing countries. The journal constitutes a platform dedicated to fostering the international debate and to promoting publication excellence in the field of migration economics. Access is provided freely and permanently worldwide immediately upon publication.
Journal on Migration and Human Security
The Journal on Migration and Human Security (JMHS) is a peer-reviewed public policy publication of the Center for Migration Studies. The journal’s theme of “human security” is meant to evoke the widely shared goals of creating secure and sustaining conditions in migrant sending communities; promoting safe, legal migration options; and developing immigration and integration policies that benefit sending and receiving communities and allow newcomers to lead productive, secure lives. JMHS provides free availability of articles online without delay.
International Migration Review
The International Migration Review is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal created to encourage and facilitate the study of all aspects of international migration, ethnic group relations and refugee movements. It represents a forum devoted exclusively to the analysis and review of international population movements.
Migration Letters
Migration Letters is an international scholarly journal for researchers, students, scholars who investigate human migration as well as practitioners and quick dissemination of research in the field. Its letter type format enables concise sharing of short accounts of research, debates, case studies, book reviews and viewpoints in this multidisciplinary field of social sciences. It is published three times a year in January, May and September.
Migration Studies
Migration Studies is an international refereed journal dedicated to advancing scholarly understanding of the determinants, processes and outcomes of human migration in all its manifestations. It furthers this aim by publishing original scholarship from around the world. The journal welcomes full-length articles, research notes, and reviews of books, films and other media from those working across the social sciences in all parts of the world.